Last Updated: June 05, 2024 


It is of utmost importance that users utilize our Site in strict adherence to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. This is not just a requirement, but a responsibility we entrust to our users.

 Users agree to behave ethically, respecting the rights and privacy of others. 

Users are strictly prohibited from violating any laws or regulations, distributing malware, viruses, or harmful software, unauthorized access or attempts to breach security measures, harassment, abuse, or any form of harm toward others, and engaging in any activity that compromises the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of the Services. 

Users are responsible for the content they create, share, or distribute. Content must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, be defamatory, offensive, or violate any third-party rights. 

Users must refrain from attempting to interfere with the proper functioning of our Site. Avoid any actions that may overload or harm the infrastructure, network, or systems. 

Users should refrain from submitting sensitive data to us through public postings, email correspondence, or other means. If users provide us with such information, we will consider this action as consenting to its use, storage, and processing per the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy

Users are required to respect privacy laws and adhere to our Privacy Policy. Unauthorized access or collection of personal information is strictly prohibited. 

Users must not resell or commercially exploit the Services without explicit authorization. 

We strongly encourage users to report any violations of this Policy to It’s important to understand that violation of this Policy can lead to the suspension or termination of access to our Site. In severe cases, legal action may be pursued.