Our Customer

Our Customer Testimonials!
Our Customer Testimonials!

What our Clients Are saying about GYC

“Another great job by the team at Grow Your Center. Anyone can build a website but can they build one that will increase your enrollment? Spend $100 to pick up $10,000 on the table or spend more to pick up $100,000 on the table. Those who know me, know I am only going with someone who has the "Proof in the Pudding". Thanks so much to the GYC team and Bruce Spur!!! Phones have started ringing immediately!!”

- Tameenah Adams
Gateway Early Learning Center
“Bruce & Team - I cannot thank you enough for making this happen for us at The Learning Tree. I have been trying to get this to happen for so long now. You guys truly are TEAM AWESOME. I love the clean look and focus on our core values. Thank you!!”
- Andrea Brown
The Learning Tree

"I am so glad we met with you, this has been so helpful and so much more than we even thought it would be. We were so stuck on how to handle our leadership structure and never thought you could help like this. We thought this was just a recruiting platform. I like everything you said about handling all of these situations. This support is amazing!"

Little Duckling Christian Center

“Our website activity is up 124% since our launch!!! We have one classroom almost full already and touring families daily. It’s a lot of activity for our small town :)”

- Christine McNally
Under The Magic Pine Tree
”Couple months ago we had only 39 kids enrolled in our center and now we have over 80 kids and can hardly keep up with enrollment.”
- Michelle Garrett
Impressionable Years Child Care Center

“Your services have been a game changer for us! I used to be embarrassed sending people to our website, now we do it all the time and get compliments! And enrollments and resumes!”

- Nancy Kodoma
Kid's World Learning Center
"You all do a great job, let me just say that, because before getting you on and the turnaround we have now, it is a good turnaround and we're getting quality candidates.”
- Monica Howard
Little Sunshines Academy

“Our worst Center has had a complete 180 turnaround in culture and attitude from all the new people you’ve sent us!”

- Melissa Karanjia
Little Learner Children's Academy
"I have really loved working with a CRM … knowing that the GYC templates/workflows are reaching leads in a meaningful way has been wonderful and definitely saves time!"
- Sierra
Kids’ Work Chicago

"I appreciate you doing this so much and I too have valued the partnership established. My only regret is that I ran out of funding. Your organization was an integral part of getting our staffing where it needs to be. I wish you and the Childcare Recruiters team only the best! Thanks."

- Kate Hayes
IUPUI Center For Young Children
"Thank you so much for all the help. Never have been hired by a third company party before, but definitely a 10/10 experience"
- Lina H.
Kid's Work Chicago
"Also, Since you sent out the new marketing newsletter, we have had 11 new leads 🙂 So excited!"
- Cindi Webb
The Learning Bee
"Over the last 11 months we’ve gone from 0 to 60+ FTE (and counting)!!"
- Neydary Zambrano
Magic Memories Early Learning Schools
“We made two new hires so far and look forward to more!”
- Jessica & Monty
Parkton Childcare Center
"Bruce, Since June 2020, we have enrolled 81 Children. These are not re-enrolled Children. With all the challenges we all have faced, we are pleased to say that GYC is our Partner today and into the future. The new website and social media campaign have been a game changer for us. Being that we had just purchased our school on June 12th 2019, we found ourselves making some difficult decisions in 2020 and thinking to ourselves, how can we possibly afford GYC's generous proposal. Chris and I both knew that digging in our heals, holding on to our money and not investing in our people was not an option or how we have ever lived our lives. We knew that most Childcare Centers were sitting and trying to ride out the storm. Thank God we Partnered up with GYC!"
- Robert Cross
Premier Prep School
“Good evening all! I would like to take a moment and express how thrilled I am about GYC. ATS and Notion are so user friendly and easy to navigate! Lex, Chris and Carmella have been wonderful! We posted our first job on Monday and we already have 15 applicants. I'm thrilled!!!”
- Cindy Bridges
Little Ducking Early Learning

“I know this week is national teacher appreciation week. I am going to write Congress to see if they can make a holiday called national website rockstar appreciation week. As soon as I hear back I will let you know the date so that I can shower you with more love!”

- Beth
Kids for Kids Academy

''Thank you for sending so many great candidates! We have made two administrative hires. We will continue to interview but our need for a director is no longer urgent. We are still looking for a candidate for a future role (or possibly another current position for someone with excellent bookkeeping skills).''

- Donna Jensen
the Learning Station
"We really enjoy working with you, Carmella, and the team, you are all so helpful and responsive to everything. On our 5th hire in such a short period of time, creating job posts for us and then this analysis, just everything, we cannot thank you enough!"
- Sarah Cudnik
Kids’ Work Chicago

"Great news! Both centers are fully staffed pending clear background screenings. The quality of our staff has never, in the 8 years of owning these businesses, been better. And the group of new teachers in training right now are FANTASTIC!!!"

- Jennifer Freeman
The Discovery Tree Academy
"I can't wait to give this new team a go and have a fresh start. I am a raving fan of this program! It has given me freedom that has been life changing and I'm so excited to see where we are going to go from here!"
- Teresa
Early Advantage Developmental Childcare Center
"I would not be where I am if it weren't for GYC. Not only do I have an amazeballs website but their customer service is exemplary."
- Judy Bradby
Learn Lily
“From 68% enrollment over the summer to 98% in the fall!”
- Michelle Mistele
LeafSpring School Charlotte
"Also, the people you have sent me that I hired have been amazing! Thank you for all your hard work!"
- Sarah Cudnik
Kids’ Work Chicago
“0 to 160 240+ FTE at a new school (in just under 9 months!)”
Karter School
"From 80% to 98% enrollment! (basically we’re full!!)"
- Elana Hillel
Premier Learning Academy
“We’ve added dozens of new enrollments in the past few months!!”
- Leslie Schreiber
Small Wonders Learning Center
“GYC is worth every penny!”
- Shonali
Eden Prairie Montessori


- Justina Longman
Children's Classic

"Hi Bruce! Check out our new leads coming through the website to our CRM! We have never had this many leads coming through in a week. We used to get maybe 5 -7 a week in a peak enrollment period. The new awesome website is working for us! 24, 27, 27, 41, 52. Just thought I'd share! Happy Tuesday."

- Andrea
Club K
"GREAT TRAFFIC! Before GYC - 5-10 leads a week per location, With GYC - 20-25 leads a week. Last week alone - 40 new leads."
- Steve Lloyd
Rocky Mountain Preschool
“My Tuesday just got 9000x better because of your team! I just Love, Love, Love it! You guys rock my world. It is sheer perfection.️ I emailed Kris the link and let her know that once again you have far exceeded my expectations!”
- Beth Davis
Kids For Kids Academy

''I wanted to let you know that Raquel, the candidate that you sent us that we hired and started, has brought 3 friends from her previous school, so that was a major win for us in Bonita Springs. Yay!''

- Shana Del Castillo
Growing Room
"I love the fact that GYC and your Child Care Recruitment team know how to pivot when needed and are willing to do it. As a business owner I can understand bumps in the road, but because you are able to pivot to meet my needs, I trust you and can always count on you."
- Teresa Bahr
Early Advantage Development Child Care Center
"I am just so grateful and appreciative of all the help we are receiving. We really love everything we have experienced with you all, as I mentioned in Denver. We have been so lost, it's amazing having a lifeline to reach out to."
- Monty & Jennifer
Parkton Childcare
"Hi Stephen, thank you for changing the staff at both sites. I appreciate your promptness and I enjoy working with the company as well. Thank you”
- Justina Longman
Children's Classic
"I LOVE OUR WEBSITE! Inquiries have TRIPLED since we launched!"
- Assia
Windhaven Academy
"Also, I really like the new look of the posts that started in November, especially for the review posts."
- Jessica Lloyd
Creative Learning Academy

"We are fully staffed and things are going great with you all at Grow Your Center!"

- Dawn
Little Beginnings
“Best Summer Camp Ever! Preschool 100% Full! WOW! We have more registrations for Sept (in Feb!) than we normally start every fall with!!!”
- Julie Salmon
Courthouse Academy
"We love the new website! We have been getting at least 3-5 leads a week from the contact me form"
- Tia Gardner
My Village Learning Center
"We made a few hires and No quitting for 30 days!! We are hopeful!!"
- Mia Barron
A Child's Heart Learning Center & Nursery
“We love the GYC team and all the support! We could not be happier with the systems and the people.”
- Francesca
Tender Loving Care Childcare Centers

“Well this was easy! You guys really have this down to a science. We LOVE it!”

- Erica Saccoccio
A Family Tree Child Care
"Better than I expected!"
- Sandy
Central Preschool
"We had 14 new enrollments 4 weeks into signing with GYC—and we still have 3-4 family tours scheduled daily!"
- Yanay Suarez
World Of Kids Academy

“Thank you for making our program look FANTASTIC! I appreciate this team!”

- Sandy
Central Preschool

This page features user testimonials that share their experiences with our products or services. They are individual and may not represent the experiences of all users. We do not guarantee similar results for everyone, as individual outcomes may vary. Testimonials, presented in text, audio, or video formats, undergo review and are posted verbatim, with minor corrections for grammar or spelling. Some testimonials may be shortened for brevity, removing extraneous details. The views expressed belong to the users and not to us, and we are not affiliated with or compensate users providing testimonials.

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